Saturday 15 March 2014

Exploring Lanka alone

                 Exploring Srilanka was always on the back of my mind but didnt find suitable time and people to move around , but my desire of exploring lanka was only growing stronger. so I picked my phone and called couple of my friends  and told them that "I am going to Srilanka on 14th Dec till 23rd Dec and I have booked my ticket anyone interested could join me" .This motivated some people to join me but they were bound to their personal commitments.I kept asking many people on this and atlast one guy confirmed his arrival with me. He confirmed me to the extent of booking the ticket . So I was quite happy that someone else is joining me for the unexplored trip.Always when you think of something adventurous like this first  name that strikes my mind is Ramesh Pal Yadav and explained  this plan of exploring Lanka on our own . Even he joined the list of exited people  "who wanted to come but  may not be able to join ".But he connected me to his cousin in who resides in colombo and passed over his contact to me. I called him and asked about Srilanka and this gentleman extend the hospitality of joining him for the stay in his house during my stay over in SriLanka.
So I was quite happy that we have someone in Lanka whom we know and where we can stay.

                    It was on 12th I got a call from the same guy telling I may not be able to join you as I have some personal work.I was left again alone not knowing what to do , where to go in Lanka and if I have to go all I have to do is on my own. It was a tough decision , I had two options either to cancel the ticket or proceed with the journey alone.It was a tough decision but I thought of going with the later one , by proceeding with the journey to Lanka.

                 I had already booked a ticket to Colombo from Chennai and for the turnaround trip by then , the cancellation mean loss of money instead of that going ahead was far more better option.So i chose to go ahead with colombo trip.The scheduled date to colombo was on 13th Dec. This is my first overseas journey. So was excited to go to this place.I had collected the general information about cities in Srilanka like Colombo, Kandy ,  Nuwara Eliya.

               The day had come and it was 13th December and I started my journey from Bangalore to Chennai.I reached I had flight to colombo at 2:30 A.M. I was patiently waiting for my flight time and in mean time I bought  the book which named "Sachin Tendulkar".The story of sachin cherished my old memories with which we used to associate him. The time finally striked and I was in the flight to Colombo. The journey started towards  Colombo.

.................................................. To be continued..............................................................

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